Saturday 8 February 2014

Physics MCQs

Physics MCQs

1.             The degree of hotness or coldness of an object is expressed in terms of:
                a)   Heat capacity                                                                                b)   Heat
                c)   Temperature                                                                                 d)   Heat energy

2.             Which of the following properties of matter is used in the construction of a thermometer:
                a)   Expansion of matter on heating                          b)   Change of color with temperature
                c)   Increase of resistance with rise of temperature                      d)   All of these

3.             Mercury is used in mercury-in-glass thermometer as a thermometric substance because:
                a)   It does not wet the capillary tube walls                    b)   It is opaque
                 c)   Its expansion is uniform over a wide range of temperature
                d)   All of above

4.             Two fixed points used for the temperature scales are:
                a)   The temperature of freezing and boiling mercury
                b)   The temperature of melting ice and boiling water
                c)   The temperature of water at 0oC and 100oC       d)   None of these

5.             In liquid-in-glass thermometer, the thermometric property used is:
                a)   Thermal expansion                                                      b)   Color change on heating
                c)   Resistance change on heating                                    d)   None of these

6.             The lower and upper fixed points on Celsius (centigrade) scale are taken to be:
                a)   0o and 212o                                                                    b)   32o and 273o
                        c)   0o and 100o                                                                     d)   None of these
7.             A Celsius (centigrade) degree is greater than a Fahrenheit degree by:
                a)   5/9                                                                                   b)   9/5
                c)   18/5                                                                                 d)   9/10

8.             The Centigrade and Fahrenheit scales have the same reading at:
                a)   40o                                                                                   b)   140o
                c)   -140o                                                                                d)   -40o

9.             The relationship between Celsius and Fahrenheit scales temperature is:
                a)   Fo = 9/5 Co - 32                                                              b)   Fo = 9/5 Co + 32
                c)   Co = 9/5 Fo + 32                                                            d)   None of these

10.          The temperature of a normal human body is 98.6 Fo. This temperature corresponds to:
                a)   20 Co                                                                               b)   30 Co
                c)   37 Co                                                                                d)   66.6 Co

11.          The temperature of normal human body is 37 Co. On Kelvin scale, it is equal to:
                a)   373 Ko                                                                             b)   273 Ko
                c)   310 Ko                                                                             d)   236 Ko

12.          One degree of centigrade scale is equal to:
                a)   1o of Fahrenheit                                                            b)   1.8o of Fahrenheit
                        c)   32o of Fahrenheit                                                          d)   3o of Fahrenheit
13.          10 Co corresponds to:
                a)   273o K                                                                             b)   283o K
               c)   263K                                                                             d)   100o K

14.          The temperature of absolute zero corresponds to:
                a)   -273 Co                                                                            b)   273 Co
                 c)   0 Co                                                                                  d)   20 Co
15.          What temperature on Fahrenheit scale corresponds to absolute zero?

                a)   212o F                                                                              b)   32o F
                c)   -32o F                                                                               d)   -460o F
16.          One Calorie is equal to:
                a)   41.8 J                                                                               b)   4.18 J
               c)   18.4 J                                                                               d)   4.35 J
17.          SI unit of heat energy is:
                a)   Calorie                                                                            b)   B.T.U.
                c)   Joule                                                                            d)   Kilo-Calorie

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