Sunday 27 April 2014

Physics Geometrical Optics MCQs

1. When you stand in water up to your knees, your feet appear:

a) Closer than usual

b) Further away than usual

c) At the same location as usual
d) To answer this you must known your height and the depth of water

2. When light passes from air to glass, it:

a) Bends towards the normal without changing speed

b) Bends towards the normal and slows down

c) Bends towards the normal and speeds up

d) Bends away from the normal and slows down

3. The refractive index is:

a) Directly proportional to the wavelength of light

b) Inversely proportional to the wavelength of light

c) Directly proportional to the square of the wavelength of light

d) Inversely proportional to the square of the wavelength of light

4. A red cloth will primarily:

a) Reflect red light b) Refract red light

c) Absorb red light d) Transmit red light

5. When light passed in to rarer medium the speed and wavelength changes, which of the following statements is correct:

a) Speed increases b) Speed decreases

c) Speed increases, wavelength decreases d) Speed and wavelength both increase

6. When light enters from a rarer to a denser medium its:

a) Velocity increases b) Wavelength increases

c) Its velocity remains same d) Its frequency remains same

7. Light from the sun reaches us in nearly:

a) 8 min. b) 16 min.

c) 8 sec. d) 16 sec.

8. A lens that is thicker at the edge than it is in the middle is:

a) Converging lens b) Diverging lens

c) Angular lens d) Plain lens

9. The sign convention for virtual images is:

a) Positive b) Negative

c) Sometimes positive and sometimes negative d) All of the above

10. The angle of incidence for which angle of refraction is 90o, known as:

a) Glancing angle b) Critical angle

c) Angle of prism d) None of these

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